Since the Thyroid is responsible for regulating hormones, an imbalance can lead to fertility issues, menstrual problems and/or fibroids.

A low acting Thyroid can lead to a slow metabolism, lack of energy, lack of drive to name a few. These Thyroid disorders are typically caused by a lack of iodine and/or selenium. This is where Sea moss comes in as it is packed with more iodine and selenium than any other food on the planet.

Sea Moss is also high in zinc. Zinc and Selenium are 'co-factors' for iodine. So when we have these 'co-factors' coming into our bodies along WITH our iodine (all in the moss) it takes away any detox symptoms that may arise from the iodine. This is nature at its finest providing a complete food source!

Sea Moss has probiotic effects, reducing bad bacteria in the gut and producing good bacteria.

Good gut bacteria assist in converting T4 to T3 for thyroid health.

In the Caribbean, sea moss is part of the local diet, it explains why significantly less women are diagnosed with Thyroid Disorders.

The Importance of consuming Iodine

The body does not make iodine so it is an essential part of your diet. If you do not have enough iodine in your body, you cannot make enough thyroid hormone.

Iodine deficiency can lead to enlargement of the thyroid, hypothyroidism, and to mental dysfunction in infants and children whose mothers were iodine deficient during pregnancy.

Poor thyroid health can cause a multitude of symptoms and could be tied to many other diseases.

Cosuming Sea Moss will have you taking in iodine in its most natural state so your body will absorb what it needs.

Common Signs of Poor Thyroid Health

•Tired for no reason


•Heart palpitations

•Chest pain

•Shortness of breath

•Concentration/Memory loss/Brain fog

•Depressed/Anxiety/Irritability/Cry easily

•Poor metabolism/Overweight/Obese


•Hair loss/Thinning hair

•Frequently sick/Low immune




•Cold feet & hands

•Joint Pain

•Hormone health negatively affected

•Prostate health negatively affected